

Whether you’re facing a busy work schedule, managing everyday stress, or simply looking to unwind after a long day, L-theanine could be a beneficial addition to your daily routine. With its quick absorption and non-sedative properties, L-theanine can seamlessly integrate into your lifestyle. Just follow the recommended dosage, and you may begin to notice its gentle yet noticeable effects within just 30 minutes.

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Whether you’re facing a busy work schedule, managing everyday stress, or simply looking to unwind after a long day, L-theanine could be a beneficial addition to your daily routine. With its quick absorption and non-sedative properties, L-theanine can seamlessly integrate into your lifestyle. Just follow the recommended dosage, and you may begin to notice its gentle yet noticeable effects within just 30 minutes.

What’s the recommended dosage?
Each bottle contain 90 pills (take 1 as required)

What are the potential side effects?
There have been only a few reported adverse reactions. Human studies using tea extracts have recorded side effects such as headaches, dizziness, and gastrointestinal symptoms.

What do the capsules contain?
Each capsule contains 300mg of pure L-Theanine.

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